Thursday, July 8, 2010


LeBron James... Getting sick of hearing his name all over ESPN or TNT. I've lost a lot of respect for him with all this hype that has been built up by sports casters, the news, and himself; I mean, he acts as if hes God and hes doing all the teams a favor by signing His name beside an X to play with them. Reason 2 for me losing respect for is that hes a deva. Rather than LeBron going to meet with the teams that wanted him (which is what happens, the player goes to the team that wants him) he requested (More like made) that the teams GM's come to him in ohio. Hes way to wrapped up in himself for my liking if you ask me. Hes having an hour long conference tonight to say what team hes joining at 9:00..... An Hour to say 4 words. "I'm Joining the ____" whatever team he joins.